Investing Between the Lines

In my desire to reach financial independence, I am on a mission to increase my investing knowledge.

I’ve read several books on the subject, and Laura Rittenhouse’s Investing Between the Lines just happened to be the next book on my “investing” reading list. Understanding the management that operates a business is essential to the research needed to truly invest in great companies.

One measurement I’ve seen is their annual report, where many will write a letter to shareholders, employees, and customers. These letters often give insight into how a CEO thinks and offers an opportunity to show they are accountable to those they serve.

Through the course of reading Investing Between the Lines, I’ve come to the conclusion that it might be less of an investment tool and more of a professional development tool.

At first, I thought I might apply the system to political speeches, say Governor Parson’s State of the State next year. But, I soon started considering my communications between staff, supervisors, legislators, and our grassroots activists.

Rittenhouse grades executive letters based on their candor, strategy, leadership, vision, stakeholder relationships, and accountability are essential to strong leadership capabilities. Rittenhouse makes the point that these principles should be evident in their communications as well.

I’ll be taking a look at my own communications while applying what I’ve gleaned to the annual reports I read each year.

Added to my reading list from this book are Rittenhouse’s Buffet’s Bites, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and the books On Bullshit and On Truth by Harry Frankfurt. I’ve been picking up Warren Buffet’s letters, but I’ll probably be sure to add Jeff Bezos’.