The Five Biggest Myths of Amendment 3

The left is selling Missourians a pack of lies with Amendment 3. They know their extreme agenda won't survive without deception, so they're using half-truths and omissions to confuse voters.

The Five Biggest Myths of Amendment 3

The left is selling Missourians a pack of lies with Amendment 3. They know their extreme agenda won't survive without deception, so they're using half-truths and omissions to confuse voters.

Let's break down the five biggest myths about Amendment 3 and expose what's happening.

Myth #1: It's About Women's Rights and Health Care

They claim it's about women's rights and healthcare, yet Amendment 3 doesn't mention the word "woman" once. That's right—not once.

Instead, the language uses "person," meaning these so-called "rights" aren't just about women—they apply to men and even children.

This isn't a pro-woman bill; it's a gateway for gender ideology, child manipulation, and irreversible medical procedures on minors without parental consent.

Wake up, Missouri! They're lying to you.

Myth #2: Amendment 3 is About Abortion

Abortion is only a small part of the picture.

The broader issue is "reproductive health care"—a term that can include gender transition treatments. A report by the International Journal of Transgender Health defines gender conversion as reproductive health care.

Think about that: Amendment 3 could give kids the constitutional right to gender transition surgeries without their parents' consent.

Are we really going to let this happen in Missouri?

Myth #3: Amendment 3 Reinstates Roe v. Wade

Not even close!

Missouri had strict abortion laws under Roe, but if Amendment 3 passes, every single one of those protections are gone.

This is no "reinstatement"—it's radical.

Missouri would have one of the most extreme abortion laws in the nation, allowing abortions up until birth if the healthcare provider deems it necessary for the person's mental health.

Translation: anything goes. Missouri would make New York and California look tame by comparison.

Myth #4: It's About Decisions Between a Woman and Her Doctor

First, Amendment 3 doesn't even mention "women," so that's a lie.

Secondly, it doesn't say you need a doctor to perform an abortion or gender transition on a child. The amendment uses the term "healthcare professional," which could be a nurse, paramedic, psychologist, or social worker.

Is this who we trust to make life-and-death decisions?

Myth #5: It Protects Women's Safety

This couldn't be further from the truth. Amendment 3 prevents any safety standard from "infringing on that person's autonomous decision-making."

It even prohibits women from holding these "healthcare professionals" liable for malpractice.

In other words, safety standards like parental consent or waiting periods could be tossed aside. Parents, your rights will be stripped away while your children are exposed to irreversible harm—all under the guise of "healthcare."

The Truth Behind Amendment 3

The left is lying to get this dangerous amendment passed.

They'll claim women are dying in parking lots, but where's the evidence?

The truth is, this isn't about protecting women—it's about pushing a radical agenda that includes abortion up to birth and gender conversion without parental consent.

Missouri conservatives must rise up and reject this deceit.

Amendment 3 is nothing short of a Trojan horse designed to dismantle our values, endanger our children, and destroy the sanctity of life.

What Can You Do?

The progressive machine has $10 million behind it.

We're up against their lies, but we have something more powerful: the truth.

It starts with a grassroots effort—especially in our churches. If your pastor isn't speaking out against Amendment 3, urge them to do so. Churches can advocate on issues like this.

And if this evil amendment passes, we must pressure our new governor, Mike Kehoe, and the legislature to repeal it and bring back pro-life laws like a heartbeat bill.

This isn't just a political issue—it's a fight for the soul of Missouri.